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+27 (0)11 268 4000


South Africa

4th Floor, Building 3
Oxford Parks
8 Parks Boulevard
South Africa


Office 11, 1st Floor, Block 3
The Strand, Lakeside District
Beau Plan 21001


Merchant Square
Ground Floor, Block A
Riverside Drive
Nairobi, Kenya

Communications from external stakeholders:

Where a question or concern relates to a company invested in by Metier, the interested or affected person(s) are first encouraged to discuss the matter directly with the company. In cases where the question or concern was not addressed sufficiently by the company, interested parties may submit their query to Metier, in writing, providing the following information:

  • Name and contact information of the sender;
  • Name of the company to which the concern relates;
  • Description of the concern and any supporting documentation; Date of the incident or action giving rise to the complaint (if applicable);
  • Specific remedy sought (if applicable); and
  • Any other information as deemed appropriate by the sender.

© 2024 Metier. All Rights Reserved. Metier Private Equity (Pty) Ltd, Lereko Metier Sustainable Capital Managers (Pty) Ltd, Metier Sustainable Capital Managers (Pty) Ltd and Metier Capital Growth Fund III Manager (Pty) Ltd are licenced Financial Services Providers (Licence No: 44882, Licence No: 44430, Licence No: 48547 and Licence No: 53015 respectively) in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 37 of 2002 and have Conflict of Interest Management Policies as required in terms of Section 3A of the General Code of Conduct.