Our Commitment to ESG and Transformation

Metier has always been committed to responsible investment and always:

  • Incorporates environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) matters into our decision-making processes and investment analysis;
  • Includes ESG matters into our own and our portfolio company policies and practices, in that way playing our role as a proactive manager and investor; and
  • Ensures appropriate disclosure on ESG matters by the entities in which we invest, including impact measurement and reporting to explain our social and environmental impact.

Metier’s ESG principles are implemented via detailed requirements and procedures within a comprehensive ESG management system, the results of which are regularly reported to our investors.

Metier considers the private equity funding model an ideal financing vehicle to drive transformation. We have adopted the attitude that our endeavours will target return-based objectives in combination with a commitment to improving governance, environmental, empowerment and social investment imperatives that make our investments sustainable.

Internally, Metier employs and trains young talent, building not only our in-house capacity, but contributing to the development of the next generation of investment professionals. Our development plan focuses on providing experience, offering financial assistance for further study and opportunities for career development within the firm.

© 2024 Metier. All Rights Reserved. Metier Private Equity (Pty) Ltd, Lereko Metier Sustainable Capital Managers (Pty) Ltd, Metier Sustainable Capital Managers (Pty) Ltd and Metier Capital Growth Fund III Manager (Pty) Ltd are licenced Financial Services Providers (Licence No: 44882, Licence No: 44430, Licence No: 48547 and Licence No: 53015 respectively) in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 37 of 2002 and have Conflict of Interest Management Policies as required in terms of Section 3A of the General Code of Conduct.